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Smart stadiums are revolutionizing fan experience and security




Smart stadiums are the answer to provide fans with a more convenient, personalized experience, shorter wait times, and clearer directions, all while keeping performers, athletes, spectators, and staff safe. Considering that the 2021 NFL season is scheduled to start on September 9, 2021; stadium operators are encouraged to take the lead in integrating state-of-the-art solutions in order to attract more fans and increase the levels of safety and comfort.

Unfortunately, many sports enthusiasts prefer to watch games from the comfort of their homes to avoid the many hassles and unavoidable issues they must go through in stadiums — like finding a parking space or waiting in long bathroom lines. Further, COVID-19 has intensified the security challenges before and during a game. All of these put immense pressure on stadium administrators to focus on three main areas:

    1. Increase profitability by luring fans away from their homes, their big-screen TVs, and refrigerators nearby.
    2. Boosting security levels, amidst a pandemic. Taking into account and facilitating occupancy limits, crowd detection, social distancing, and the wearing of proper face protection.
    3. Minimizing operating costs by utilizing smart technologies, and conserving energy with smart building management systems.

With scalable, innovative cameras and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, it is easier than ever to maneuver large numbers of people with maximum safety and efficiency. Internet of Things (IoT) is the World Wide Web becoming integrated into the physical world through smart security cameras equipped with innovative sensors and applications to successfully address the current needs of stadiums.

Besides helping stadiums enforce mandated health requirements to stop the spread of the virus, smart technologies can also assist with:

Easier Visitor Parking

Finding a parking space for a big event can quickly become an impossible mission. However, networked security cameras can help users detect free parking spaces and control the flow of traffic at peak times to prevent traffic jams.

Less Wait Times

Visitor flows can be analyzed, controlled, and strategically diverted at stadiums, particularly at cash registers and toilets, to provide fans with a more pleasant experience.

Detection of suspicious activity

Smart cameras can help identify problematic behavior from aggressive fans by analyzing video data — e.g., movement patterns or clothing — which results in reduced response times. The solution can also detect firearms, explosives, and dangerous individuals, thanks to facial recognition capabilities.

A smart stadium can offer engaging and enjoyable games and protect visitors and staff with advanced cameras and IoT sensors. The latest technologies allow for a greater understanding of attendee behavior, mitigate risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, increase attendee satisfaction, and boost operational efficiency.