
Our portfolio of services is provided by a team of skilled and qualified experts, who have in-depth knowledge of security principles and processes, a comprehensive understanding of your vertical, experience in developing intricate projects, and adherence to Security 101’s core values of fanatical customer service and integrity.

Security 101 Spotlight: Holiday giving in Dallas




Giving to charities and local nonprofits is part of Security 101’s DNA. For example, our corporate giving program, Gift of Security, has 13 locations across the country participating this year. The offices donate $10,000 worth of integrated security solutions and lend their expertise to nonprofits who otherwise could not afford this type of security and safety in their work place. Outside of this program, our 40 offices also give back in their own ways throughout the year. 

This year, we’re shining the spotlight on Security 101® – Dallas, and specifically Michelle Gann, who spearheaded their latest Christmas charity event. In addition to participating in the Gift of Security and donating $10,000 worth of products and services (with help from AXIS Communications and WESCO) to the winner, Ability Connections, they worked with the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program.

Every year for the past 6 years, Security 101 – Dallas has done a charity event around Christmas. They get vendors to donate prizes, as well as donating prizes themselves, to get raffled off. The proceeds from the raffle are donated to charity. For several years, they donated to the Make-a-Wish foundation. Last year, they donated the proceeds to the families of two of their employees who were suffering from the hurricane damage in Puerto Rico. It was a very emotional and rewarding experience for the team as they helped these families rebuild their homes.

Salvation Army Angel TreeThe Angel Tree program is one of The Salvation Army's highest profile Christmas efforts. Angel Tree was created by The Salvation Army in 1979 by Majors Charles and Shirley White when they worked with a Lynchburg, Virginia shopping mall to provide clothing and toys for children at Christmas time. The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program provides new clothing and toys for children of families in need through the support of donors. It’s a 6-step program that first interviews the families to verify they are truly in need. Angel tags are printed and placed on Salvation Army Angel trees at areas in malls, local companies and other organizations. The tags include the child’s name, clothing size, and desired gifts. This year, the Angel Trees will serve more than 45,000 in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Security 101 – Dallas had a tree with 20 Angels and each employee took one or two Angels. The office sponsored the gifts while employees took time to shop with their families and make sure each Angel got what was on their wish list. At the office Christmas party, everyone brought in their gifts and excitedly shared what they had purchased for their Angel. The team had the option to personally donate extra contributions for the Forgotten Angels – the Angels that aren’t adopted get their wish list fulfilled from the Salvation Army warehouse. Everyone brought in extra donations.

Michelle said the office participation was so overwhelming that they will definitely be doing this program again next year with more Angels. Additionally, they will plan a day to hand deliver the gifts to the families. The picture above is of all the donations for Angels (in red bags) and extra contributions for the Forgotten Angels. The Salvation Army Angel Tree is done nationwide. Adopting an Angel has ended for this year, but you can learn more about the program here. Great job Dallas TEAM101!